Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
For the Temple: Altar. Stele of Revealing. Black and White Pillars. [Black and White taper candles of equal length and quality may be used if Pillars are unavailable.] Cup of Lustral Water for Purification. Censer of Incense for Consecration.
For the Altar: Rose in the East. Red Lamp [or Candle] in the South. Cup of Wine (or Water) in the West. Cake of Light (or Paten of Bread and Salt) in the North. Copy of Liber Legis (The Book of the Law) in the Center. [These are arranged on the Altar at the inception of the rite.]
For the Initiate: Unicursal Hexagram [or the like]. Black Robe. Red Shoes (or Socks). Outer Wand of Double Power.
Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. [The traditional “Four Winds” pentagram formula is recommended to be in correspondence with the remainder of the rite.]
Go to the Center of the Temple, knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Go to the East of the Temple.
Take up the Cup of Lustral Water for Purification, hold it up toward the East, and say:
So therefore first the initiate who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the Lustral Waters of the resounding Sea.
Make a Cross in the Air with the Cup, and sprinkle a few drops of Water three times toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the purification in each quarter, then return to the East, and say:
I purify the Temple with Water.
Take up the Censer of Incense for Consecration, hold it up toward the East, and say:
And when all the phantoms have vanished, thou shall see the Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe.
Make a Cross in the Air with the Censer, and swing it thrice toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the censing at each quarter, then return to the East, and say:
I consecrate the Temple with Fire.
Circumambulate three times, clockwise, giving the Sign of Horus when passing the East so as to project the force that radiates therefrom [begin and end in the North East], and then say:
The Mystick Circumambulation symbolical of the Rise of Light is accomplished!
Go to the Center of the Temple, face East, give the Sign of Horus, and say:
Unity uttermost showed!
I adore the might of Thy breath,
Supreme and Terrible God,
Who makest the gods and death
To tremble before Thee:--
I, I adore Thee!
Appear on the Throne of the Ra!
Open the ways of the Khu!
Lighten the ways of the Ka!
The ways of the Khabs run through
To stir me or still me!
Aum! Let it fill me!
Return in the Sign of Silence, and then say:
In the Name of the Supreme and Terrible Lord of the Universe, Crowned and Conquering, I declare that the Sun of Light has arisen and the Shadows of Darkness flee away!
Knock and say: KHABS.
Knock and say: AM.
Knock and say: PEKHT.
Knock and say: KONX.
Knock and say: OM.
Knock and say: PAX.
Knock and say: LIGHT.
Knock and say: IN.
Knock and say: EXTENSION.
Knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:
Love is the law, love under will.
Make the Signs of the Neophyte [toward the East].
[At foot of Altar, say:]
I will now celebrate the Festival of the {Vernal/Autumnal} Equinox!
First, I will consecrate the return of the {Vernal/Autumnal} Equinox according to the Ancient Customs.
Light. Night.
East. West.
Air. Water.
Knock and say:
I am the Reconciler between them.
Heat. Cold.
South. North.
Fire. Earth.
Knock and say:
I am the Reconciler between them.
Knock and say:
One Creator.
One Preserver.
Knock and say:
One Destroyer.
One Redeemer.
Knock and say:
One Reconciler between them.
Take up the Rose, place it in the East of the Temple, and return to the Altar.
Take up the Fire, place it in the South of the Temple, and return to the Altar.
Take up the Water, place it in the West of the Temple, and return to the Altar.
Take up the Cake of Light (or Paten of Bread and Salt), place it in the North of the Temple, and return to the Altar.
I will now adore the Lords of the Universe.
Go to the East of the Temple, take up the Rose, and say:
Holy art Thou, O Lord of the Air,
Thou Lord of Liberty to which I adhere!
O Thou perpetual Breath of Ecstasy,
Come Thou forth I say unto Thee!
Make with the Rose the Sign of the Cross in the East. [Put down the Rose.]
Go to the South of the Temple, take up the Fire, and say:
Holy art Thou, O Lord of the Fire,
Thou Lord of Light to which I aspire!
O Thou Flashing Flame of Eternity,
Come Thou forth I say unto Thee!
Make with the Fire the Sign of the Cross in the South. [Put down the Fire.]
Go to the West of the Temple, take up the Water, and say:
Holy art Thou, O Lord of the Water,
Thou Lord of Love and Mystick Rapture!
O Thou inscrutable Depth of the Sea,
Come Thou forth I say under Thee!
Make the Sign of the Cross with the Water in the West. [Put down the Water.]
Go to the North of the Temple, take up the Cake of Light (or Paten of Bread and Salt), and say:
Holy art Thou, O Lord of the Earth,
Thou Lord of Life, my essence of birth!
O Thou soul of all forms that I see,
Come Thou forth I say unto Thee!
Make with the Cake [or Bread and Salt] the Sign of the Cross in the North. [Put down the Cake (or Bread and Salt).]
Return to the Altar, and say:
I will now adore the Lord of the Universe!
Facing East, say:
O Thou, Lord of the Elements of Life, Who art the Creator of all things, the Master of all manifestation, and the Spirit hidden in all matter: Thee, Thee, I adore and I invoke! Thine is the Air with its Movement! Thine is the Fire with its flashing Flame! Thine is the Water with its Flux and Reflux! Thine is the Earth with its Eternal Stability! Come Thou forth unto me in this Holy Temple that is purified and consecrated unto Thee, that Thou mayest administer unto me those Magickal Powers of the Four Elements that be, and the Wisdom to exercise those powers unto the attainment of Light, Life, Love and Liberty! Be Thou mighty within me and let Thy Spirit descend upon my body transforming my senses into fit vehicles for the manifestation of my True Will, that I may progress in Thy Light and awaken in the Knowledge and Conversation of Thee! Thou, Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe; Thou, Supreme and Terrible God who makest the Gods and Death to tremble before Thee: Thee, Thee, I adore and invoke! I raise Thy Spell; I invoke Thy Spirit; I greet Thy presence, O Lord of the Word and of the Silence. Look with favor upon me and upon all other members of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, of which I am a zealous member, and grant that we may at length attain to the Stone of the Wise, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.
To the Glory of Thine Ineffable Name, AUMN.
Trace in the air with your Wand the symbol of the Cross and Circle [this is done as described in the Order’s paper on the Rose Cross Ritual; the Wand of Double Power is held by the black end, with the white end facing out to invoke], and say:
In the Name of the Lord of the Universe, Crowned and Conquering, I declare that the Elements and Spirit are invoked to manifest Light, Life, Love and Liberty!
I will now partake thereof during this Thelemic Ceremony of the {Vernal/Autumnal} Equinox.
Give the Sign of the Enterer, and say:
In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I declare that the Sun has entered {Aries/Libra}, the Sign of the {Vernal/Autumnal} Equinox.
Return in the Sign of Silence.
I will now receive the Word of the Equinox.
Receive the Word from Liber Legis, and say it aloud.
At this point in the Ceremony, you may also receive a Tarot card and/or an I Ching Hexagram divining the nature of the next six months.
Nothing now remains but to partake of the Mystick Repast, composed of the symbols of the Four Elements, and to establish myself in the Center of the Holy Cross in the Sanctuary of my Soul.
Take up the Rose. [Bring it to the Altar. Put down the Rose to the East on the Altar.]
I inhale the perfume of this Sacred Rose, as a symbol of the Element of Air and Liberty.
Smell the Rose.
[Take up the Fire. Bring it to the Altar. Put down the Fire to the South on the Altar.]
I feel the warmth of this Sacred Flame, as a symbol of the Element of Fire and Light.
Spread your hands over the Fire.
[Take up the Cake of Light (or Bread and Salt). Bring it to the Altar. Put down the Cake of Light (or Bread and Salt) to the North on the Altar.]
I eat this Sacred Cake of Light (or Sacred Bread and Salt), as a symbol of the Element of Earth and Life.
If you are not using a Cake of Light, then dip the Bread in the Salt and eat it.
[Take up the Cup of Sacred Wine or Water. Bring it to the Altar. Put down the Cup to the West on the Altar.]
And finally, I drink this Sacred Wine (or Water if under 21 years of age), as a symbol of the Element of Water and Love.
Make the Cross with the Cup and drink from it [drain the Cup].
It is done!
Replace the Cup [to the West on the Altar].
Knock and say: KHABS.
Knock and say: AM.
Knock and say: PEKHT.
Knock and say: KONX.
Knock and say: OM.
Knock and say: PAX.
Knock and say: LIGHT.
Knock and say: IN.
Knock and say: EXTENSION.
Go to the Center of the Temple, knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Go to the East of the Temple.
Take up the Cup of Lustral Water for Purification, hold it up toward the East, and say:
So therefore first the initiate who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the Lustral Waters of the resounding Sea.
Make a Cross in the Air with the Cup, and sprinkle a few drops of Water three times toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the purification in each quarter, then return to the East, and say:
I purify the Temple with Water.
Take up the Censer of Incense for Consecration, hold it up toward the East, and say:
And when all the phantoms have vanished, thou shall see the Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe.
Make a Cross in the Air with the Censer, and swing it thrice toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the censing at each quarter, then return to the East, and say:
I consecrate the Temple with Fire.
Circumambulate three times, counterclockwise, giving the Sign of Horus when passing the East so as to project the force that radiates therefrom [begin and end in the South East], and then say:
The Mystick Reverse Circumambulation is accomplished. It is a symbol of the Fading Light.
Go to the Center of the Temple, face East, give the Sign of Horus, and say:
Unity uttermost showed!
I adore the might of Thy breath,
Supreme and Terrible God,
Who makest the gods and death
To tremble before Thee:--
I, I adore Thee!
Appear on the Throne of the Ra!
Open the ways of the Khu!
Lighten the ways of the Ka!
The ways of the Khabs run through
To stir me or still me!
Aum! Let it fill me!
Return in the Sign of Silence.
Knock and say: KHABS.
Knock and say: AM.
Knock and say: PEKHT.
Knock and say: KONX.
Knock and say: OM.
Knock and say: PAX.
Knock and say: LIGHT.
Knock and say: IN.
Knock and say: EXTENSION.
In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I declare that the Temple is duly closed.
May what I have partaken maintain me in my search for the QUINTESSENCE, the Stone of the Philosophers, the SUMMUM BONUM, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.
Knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:
Love is the law, love under will.
Make the Signs of the Neophyte toward the East of the Temple, and depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence; yea, depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence.
Love is the law, love under will.
Notes by Frater Achad AL:
Members of the Order of the T.·.G.·.D.·. are encouraged to perform this rite every Equinox, if possible. It promotes balance and harmony within your Sphere, and Universal balance and harmony. It also will assist you in divining the nature of your work for the coming six month period, from Equinox to Equinox. It plants healthy “seeds” for the future, and assists you in focusing on the work to come.
Consider how this rite is to be performed in correspondence with certain Solar tides, and how these may be creatively and best used by you in performing the Great Work.
The rite should be performed shortly after Sol enters Aries (for the Vernal Equinox) or after Sol enters Libra (for the Autumnal Equinox). Refer to an ephemeris for exact times in your area.
When divining the Word of the Equinox, open Liber Legis without looking at the pages, flip through them until your intuition tells you to stop at a page, feel your hand move down and point to a word. Wait for the guidance. It will come.
Similarly, when divining a Tarot card, have your Tarot cards before you in no particular order, do not look at them, feel your hand move towards the cards and let your intuition guide you as to the card to be selected.
When divining an I Ching Hexagram, be aware that these oracles are highly developed. Simply take a moment to contemplate the nature of the rite and the purpose of the divination while holding your coins (assuming you are using the coin method), jingle them and wait for the intuition to release them to divine each line of the Hexagram.
Performing a Qabalistic analysis of the Word from Liber Legis (and the Tarot card and/or I Ching Hexagram) received during the rite will in all cases be a healthy exercise. Spend some time doing this. See the “Auguries” section of the Order’s website for examples of how to analyze the auguries you receive. Let your intuition guide you. The auguries should speak to you in a personal way, which only you can divine. Try to comprehend how the “pieces” fit together to form a coherent message.
The auguries can provide great insight into your work. Reflect upon them, and periodically refer back to them during the course of the subject six-month period. They tend to “unfold” over time, and take on further meaning.
This rite can easily be adapted to be performed on a group basis.
If you are performing a self-initiation rite on an Equinox, it is best to perform the self-initiation rite first, and then follow it with the Equinox rite. This is a good way to affirm the work of the initiation rite.
Review and study other Equinox rites. One is found in Crowley’s book entitled Magick. Another example may be found in the published Golden Dawn treatises. These should assist you in gaining further insight into the magickal formula underlying this rite.
May your use of this rite assist in your healing and the healing of the human race, by the Grace, and to the Glory, of the Most High!!! So mote it be!!! 93, 156, 418!!!