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Being the Ceremony of the
Advanced Magician of the
Novus Ordo Aurora Aurea
(New Order of the Golden Dawn)


For the Candidate: Black Tau Robe. Red Shoes or Socks. Zelator Motto. (Note: Black pertains to the Outer Order, referring to the darkness of Matter, which conceals the Light. Red pertains to Mars and to the God Horus. Mars is the Planet of the Warrior and Horus is the Warrior God. Thus wearing Red shoes or socks indicates that you are on the Path of the Warrior Magician. The Motto is written on a Talisman specially made for the initiation.)

For the Temple: Altar. Black and White Pillars. Thelemic Golden Dawn Banners. Stele of Revealing. Four Elemental Candles in the Four Quarters of the Temple (Yellow Candle in the East, Red Candle in the South, Blue Candle in the West, and a Green Candle in the North). White Candle in the Center of the Temple. Cup of Lustral Water for Purification. Censer of Incense for Consecration. The Wand of Double Power. (Note: The Outer Wand of Double Power is twenty inches in length, one part being painted ten inches in black and the other part ten inches in white.)

For the Altar: Copy of Liber Legis (The Book of the Law). Cauldron. Bell. The Four Elemental Talismans. (Note: The Four Elemental Talismans are designed in their appropriate elemental colors: Red for Fire, Blue for Water, Yellow for Air, and Green for Earth. The elemental symbols or Sigils on the Talismans should, however, be designed in the Complementary Elemental Colors: Green for Fire, Orange for Water, Purple for Air, and Red for Earth. The elemental symbols or Sigils designed on the Elemental Talismans can be of one’s own choice. The Four Elemental Talismans should be placed in their appropriate quarters on the Altar: Air in East, Fire in South, Water in West, and Earth in North.)

Important Note I: If you do not have any of the Temple requirements listed above, you may substitute them with other similar objects. These objects, however, should be magically consecrated before you apply them in the ceremony. In other words, the objects should be dedicated to the ceremony through prayer and with fire [Abra-Melin Oil], making them fit instruments of your Will.

Important Note II: You should fast for a period of one to three days before conducting the Dominus Liminis initiation. During this fast, you should practice both Asana and Pranayama for no less than three hours per day.


    Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or Liber XXV, the Ritual of the Star Ruby.

    Go to the Center of the Temple, knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

    Take up the Cup of Purification, hold it up toward the East, and say:

    So therefore first the initiate who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the Lustral Waters of the resounding Sea.

    Make a Cross in the Air with the Cup, and sprinkle a few drops of Water three times toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the purification in each quarter, then return to the East, and say:

    I purify the Temple with Water.

    Take up the Censer of Consecration, hold it up toward the East, and say:

    And when all the phantoms have vanished, thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe.

    Make a Cross in the Air with the Censer, and swing it thrice toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the censing at each quarter, then return to the East, and say:

    I consecrate the Temple with Fire.

    Return to the Center of the Temple, and say:

    I will now invoke the Invisible Powers of the Four Elements, that I may duly invoke the Greater Power of Spirit and properly initiate myself into the grade of the Dominus Liminis.

    Go to the Center of the Temple and perform the Qabalistic Cross, vibrating the appropriate Qabalistic Names. Then advance to the four quarters of the Temple, tracing with the Wand the appropriate Invoking Spirit Pentagram and proper Invoking Elemental Pentagram in each quarter. At each quarter recite the following Elemental Prayer:

    In the Name of
    (Earth) Adonai     (Air) Yehovah
    (Water) Al             (Fire) Elohim
    Spirits of [Element] adore your Creator!

    Trace again the invoking Elemental Pentagram.

    In the Name of
    (Earth) Auriel         (Air) Raphael
    (Water) Gabriel      (Fire) Michael
    Great Archangel of [Element], Spirits of [Element], adore your Creator!

    Make the proper Kerubic Sign in the center of the Pentagram.

    In the Name of
    (Earth) Phorlakh     (Air) Chassan
    (Water) Talihad       (Fire) Aral
    Mighty Angel of [Element], Spirits of [Element], adore your Creator!

    Hold wand on high, touching the Spirit point of Pentagram.

    In the Name of
    (Earth) Kerub          (Air) Ariel
    (Water) Tharsis        (Fire) Seraph
    Ruler of [Element], Spirits of [Element], adore your Creator!

    After each Elemental Prayer, ignite the appropriate Elemental Candle in each quarter of the Temple as a symbol of the invocation of that Element in the Temple, and also give the Zelator Sign of each Element.

    Now return to the Center of the Temple, and invoke:

    I invoke ye, ye Angels of the Celestial Spheres
    Whose dwelling is in the Invisible.
    Ye are the Guardians of the Gates of the Universe.
    Be ye also the Guardians of this Holy Temple.
    Keep far removed the unbalanced forces.
    Strengthen and inspire me so that I may know and exercise thy Great Powers at all moments of this Thelemic Ceremony of Initiation.  Let me be a true partaker of thy energies to establish Thy equilibrium in my Soul, so that I may commune with ye in peace to do my True Will, and to realize my True Self. Aumn.

    Now give the Sign of the Cross, and say:

    Before me the Great Powers of Air;
    Behind me the Great Powers of Water;
    On my right hand the Great Powers of Fire;
    On my left hand the Great Powers of Earth;
    For about me flames the Pentagram,
    And in the Column shines the Six-rayed Star.

    Now perform the Qabalistic Cross, and declare:

    By the power of the Angels of the Elements, I declare that I have duly invoked the Four Elements to awaken their energies into activity for my initiation into the grade of the Dominus Liminis!

    I will now adore and invoke the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe of the Elements!

    O Thou, Lord of the Elements of Life, Who art the Creator of all things, the Master of all manifestation, and the Spirit hidden in all matter: Thee, Thee, I adore and I invoke! Come Thou forth unto me in this Holy Temple that is purified and consecrated unto Thee, that Thou may administer unto me the Magical Powers of the Four Elements that be, and the wisdom to exercise those powers unto the attainment of Light, Life, Love and Liberty! O Thou Essential Self who art the Quintessence of all, the Spirit of the Aethyr, and the Secret Lord of every Soul, Thee, Thee, I adore and I invoke! Hear Thou my Call, and be Thou my Witness, in all things my Silent Watcher. Thou, Crown of the Four Elements; Thou, who art like unto the great letter Shin which descends in the midst of the Four Elements to affect the Supreme Transmutation; Thou, whose symbol is the Triangle, and Thy Four Elements the Cross; Thou, whose image is the Ageless Sphinx; Thou, whose Victory is the Crown of Spirit; be Thou mighty within me to properly initiate myself in this Thelemic Ceremony of the Dominus Liminis, so that I may attain Knowledge, Courage, Will and Silence, to do my True Will among the legions of the living, and to Go upon my Way with Light, Life, Love and Liberty! Let Thy Spirit descend upon my body, transforming my senses into fit vehicles for the manifestation of my True Will, so that I may progress in Thy Light and awaken in the Knowledge and Conversation of Thee! Thou, Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe; Thou, Supreme and Terrible God who makest the Gods and Death to tremble before Thee: Thee, Thee, I adore and I invoke! I greet Thy Presence; I raise Thy Spell; I invoke Thy Spirit, O Lord of the Word and of the Silence.

    Now say:


    Now vibrate:


    And proclaim:

    Let there be Light!

    Ignite the White Candle in the Center of the Temple, as a symbol of the invocation of the Spirit of Light in the Temple.

    Now say:

    In the Name of the Supreme and Terrible Lord of the Universe, Crowned and Conquering, I declare that the Temple of the Dominus Liminis is duly opened.

    Knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:

    Love is the Law, Love under Will.

    Make the Signs of Horus and Harpocrates toward the East of the Temple, and depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence.


    Having made progress as a Zelator of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, I am now eligible for advancement to the grade of the Dominus Liminis, to link myself to a Higher Power, that I may be free to accomplish the Great Work of THELEMA.

    Enter the Temple, giving the Sign of Horus, position yourself at the foot of the Altar, and say:

    I am duly instructed in the Law of Liberty and I know the Signs and Word of the Zelator.

    Proclaim the Law of Thelema, and give the Signs and the Word of the Zelator.

    I am duly instructed in the Four Powers of the Sphinx and the Four Elements which correspond with those Powers.

    Proclaim the Four Powers of the Sphinx and the Four Elements.

    I am duly instructed in the fifth Power of the Sphinx and its corresponding Element.

    Proclaim the fifth Power of the Sphinx and its corresponding Element.

    I am duly instructed in the Magical Symbols of the Elements.

    Draw these symbols in the air, being the Magical Symbols of Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

    I am duly instructed in the Astrological Symbols of the Elements.

    Draw these symbols in the air, being the Kerubic symbols of Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

    Finally, I am duly instructed in the knowledge of the Magical Symbol that synthesizes all of the Elements and I know how to trace it according to its elemental type.

    Draw in the air the four Invoking Pentagrams of Earth, Air, Water and Fire.

    In the Ceremony of my initiation as a Zelator, I solemnly vowed to do my own True Will. The Oath of the Dominus Liminis obligates me to link that Will to a Higher Power. But before I can do this I must be doing that One Will, fulfilling my Great Work on earth.

    I have formulated my Will into One Word.

    The Word of my True Will is [Word].

    Give the Sign of Horus while proclaiming your Word. Return in the Sign of Harpocrates (Sign of Silence) after the proclamation.

    I will now make oblation to my Holy Guardian Angel, and surrender to Hir the Elements of my being, that S/He may transmute them into Elements Divine for the attainment of Hir Knowledge and Conversation.

    First, take up the Talisman of Earth and put it into the Cauldron to be consumed, and say:

    In the Name of Adonai Ha-Aretz, My Lord of Earth, I sacrifice the Element of Earth to Spirit.

    Next, take up the Talisman of Air and put it into the Cauldron to be consumed, and say:

    In the Name of Shaddai Al-Chai, the Almighty Living God, I sacrifice the Element of Air to Spirit.

    Next, take up the Talisman of Water and put it into the Cauldron to be consumed, and say:

    In the Name of Elohim Tzabaoth, the God of Hosts, I sacrifice the Element of Water to Spirit.

    Lastly, take up the Talisman of Fire and put it into the Cauldron to be consumed, and say:

    In the Name of Yehowah Tzabaoth, the Lord of Hosts, I sacrifice the Element of Fire to Spirit.

    Now take up your Zelator Motto (Talisman) and put it into the Cauldron to be consumed, and say:

    In the Name of Ruach Elohim, the Spirit of the Gods, I now sacrifice my Magical Motto in the Outer Order, to be consumed in the Flames of the Spirit of the Gods, that I may be redeemed from the Earth, and attain the Life that abides in Light.

    I will now take the Oath of the Dominus Liminis, to link myself to a higher power, that I may truly aspire and thus attain to the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel.

    At this time I may withdraw myself from this Ceremony of Initiation. But if I remain and persist, I will in fact create an invisible link with my Holy Guardian Angel, which I will never be able to break.

    At this point in the ceremony, seriously consider if it is, in fact, your Will to progress. If so, continue. If not, banish and depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence.

    The Oath of the Dominus Liminis is the link to the Second Order of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold. It is designed to prepare me for the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel that I may become an Adept of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold.

    I understand that by taking this Oath of the Dominus Liminis I am establishing a link of unity with my Holy Guardian Angel, as a symbol of my aspiration to attain Hir Knowledge and Conversation. I am thus once again taking an Irrevocable Step.

    I now place my right hand on the Book of the Law to signify my Will to exercise the Law of Thelema, that I may take the Oath of the Dominus Liminis in freedom.

    1.     I, being of sound mind and body, and having resolved on this day to further devote myself to the Great Work, do, of my own Free Will, hereby and hereon, most solemnly promise and swear:

    2.     To devote myself utterly to the Great Work of accomplishing my True Will.

    3.     To understand all things.

    4.     To love all things.

    5.     To perform all things and endure all things necessary for the accomplishment of my True Will.

    6.     To aspire to the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel.

    7.     To work without lust of result.

    8.     To banish the illusions.

    9.     To rely only upon myself.

    10.   To obtain sufficient control of the aspirations of my own being for the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel.

    May the Secret Chiefs of the Order crown this Work, lend me of their Wisdom in this Work, and enable me to Understand this Work of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn.

    I will now seal this solemn Oath of Obligation three times with my lips on the Book of the Law.

    Kiss the Book of the Law three times and then put the Book of the Law back on the Altar.

    I will now purify myself with Water and consecrate myself with Fire, in confirmation of my Oath.

    Perform purification and say:

    In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I purify myself with Water!

    Perform consecration and say:

    In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I consecrate myself with Fire!

    Now position yourself between the two Pillars of the Temple, stretch out your left hand to touch the Black Pillar, then stretch out your right hand to touch the White Pillar, linking both Pillars to each other, emphasizing your balance between them, and say:

    I now link the Outer to the Inner, and I assume the Stance of Equilibrium. For as it is written: "Equilibrium is the Basis of the Great Work."

    The grade of the Dominus Liminis pertains to the Middle Pillar of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and it represents the Way of Balance and Integration. It equilibrates the Four Elements which constitute the nature of the Elemental Self. It emphasizes the Quintessence or Philosophic Mercury, which is the Union of the Four Elements of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. This Holy Quintessence also contains the Three Hidden Principles of Alchemy, which are symbolized in the Temple by the Two Pillars and myself balanced between them.


    I shall now instruct myself in the secrets of the grade of the Dominus Liminis of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn.

    The Signs of the Dominus Liminis are the Signs of the Opening and Closing of the Veil.

    Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil: Extend your hands in front of you, palms outwards, separate them as if in the act of rending asunder a veil or curtain.

    The Opening Sign symbolizes the rending asunder of a Veil. Thus standing, I also form the Tau Cross.

    Give the Sign of the Closing of the Veil: Bring your hands back together as if closing a veil or curtain, and then let them fall to the side.

    The Closing Sign represents the complete reversal of this act.

    The Word of the Dominus Liminis is TAHUTI. TAHUTI is the Egyptian Ibis Headed God of Wisdom, Science, Magick and Illusion. He is called Thoth in the Coptic, Hermes in the Greek, and Mercury in the Latin. TAHUTI is the Messenger of the Gods, the Lord of Utterance, the God that cometh forth from the Veil. He is the Logos, the Word, and the Will of the Magician. He is the Holy Lingam, the Word of Creation whose Speech is Silence. The Ibis itself is a symbol of Silence, Concentration and the Meditative Spirit. Tahuti is Spirit, ETH, or the Philosophical Mercury.

    The Magical Symbol of the Dominus Liminis is the Fivefold Star or Pentagram, which is a symbol of the Four Elements called Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, crowned by a fifth Element called Spirit. These are but magical names for the Five Senses. The Pentagram represents the Five Senses, which are the instruments of my True Will that I will employ and consecrate to the Great Work by way of action which is Ritual.

    The Four Elements are given the Latin names Subtilis for Air, Aqua for Water, Lux for Fire, and Terra for Earth. The initials of these four words compose the word SALT. To know how to extract from all matter the pure Salt which is concealed in it is to possess the great secret of the Stone of the Wise. All that is material contains Salt, and all Salt can be converted into pure gold by the combined action of Sulphur and Mercury. Salt is the synthesis of Sulphur and Mercury. The seven Metals of Alchemy are formed from the combination of Sulphur and Mercury in the Salt of the Metals, and the difference between the Metals is based on the proportion of these two Principles in their composition. To discover and extract the Salt from the Metals is to extract the Sulphur and Mercury from the same. This Salt is like unto a secret seed or sperm which contains the other two Principles. Such is the First Matter of the Great Work which makes for the sublime conversion of the Elements. This Salt is the Fire, the Water that does not wet one’s hands.

    The grade of the Dominus Liminis is a Crown to the Four Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, which pertain to the Grade of the Zelator which has special reference to the Sub-Elements of Malkuth in Assiah. It formulates the topmost point of the Blazing Star or Pentagram, and it concerns itself with the summarization of the Elemental Mysteries of the Grade of the Zelator, equilibrating one's Elemental Self, which I now completely surrender to my Holy Guardian Angel for the attainment of Hir Knowledge and Conversation. The grade of the Dominus Liminis is the transmutation of the Cross of the Elements into the Pentagram of Spirit. It is the sacrifice of the Four Lower Senses unto the Higher Sense of Spirit.

    The Pentagram further represents the Four Powers of the Sphinx, crowned by the fifth Power of Spirit. In Latin the Four Powers of the Sphinx are Velle for Will, Audere for Courage, Tacere for Silence, and Scire for Knowledge. The Fifth Power of the Sphinx is called Ire in the Latin tongue, and it is the power "to Go". The grade of the Dominus Liminis is a symbol of the Power to Go, which is the function of a God, or the act of doing one’s True Will. The Dominus Liminis is an initiate of the Four Powers of the Sphinx, having duly mastered them in the Grade of the Zelator. I am now to synthesize these Four Powers into One, into a fifth Power of the Sphinx, called "to Go".

    The words "Dominus Liminis" are Latin for "Lord of the Threshold". As a Dominus Liminis I will abide on the Threshold. My mastery of the Elemental Powers may be disputed when I least expect it. Therefore I will always be on guard, to practice the Four Powers of the Sphinx, resolving these into the Greater Power of doing my own True Will.

    The Pentagram is also a geometrical symbol of the Wild Rose, which is a symbol of the Five Senses. But the Rose is also a symbol of Secrecy, for it is the flower of Harpocrates. It is also a symbol of Love, for it is the flower of Venus. Moreover, it is a symbol of the Golden Dawn, which represents the illumination and initiation of the Soul.

    The Elemental Cross or Greek Cross of Five Squares is the Pentagram in the shape of a Cross. It symbolizes the Equated Forces of the Four Elements ruled by the fifth Element of Spirit, called ETH. The word ETH crowns the Pyramid of the Four Elements in the Zelator Grade of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, and is a symbol of the Spirit that converts the Cross of the Elements into the Pentagram.

    The grade of the Dominus Liminis specifically refers to the Veil of Paroketh, which falls in the Path of Samekh between the two Sephiroth called Yesod and Tiphareth. The word Paroketh (PRKTh) refers to the Four Elements. Peh is Water, Resh is Air, Kaph is Fire, and Tau is Earth. It is the Word of the Veil of the Temple, before the Holy of Holies. It is the Veil of the Four Elements of the Body of Man.

    Dominus Liminis is the final grade of Self-Initiation in the Man of Earth Triad of the Outer Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn. It is a grade which exists between the two Worlds of Matter and Spirit, and it is linked with Yesod, the Sphere of the Moon, because of the Path of Trial and Probation which connects Yesod to Tiphareth. It is especially referred to Yesod of Yesod in Assiah, the World of Action. The number of the Moon of Yesod is Nine, but in a more esoteric sense the number of the Moon is Five, which is the number of the Pentagram and the Microcosm.

    The grade of the Dominus Liminis refers to Qesheth, the Bow of Promise, from which is loosed in Yesod the Arrow of Sagittarius-Samekh, soaring upward to cleave open the Veil unto the Sun in Tiphareth. It is a representation of the Straight and Narrow Path, which leadeth unto Light, and few there be that find it.

    The grade of the Dominus Liminis has special reference to the letter Shin of the Qabalistic Alphabet, which is the letter of the Ruach Elohim, or the Spirit of the Gods. The four Elements of the Zelator Grade are represented by the divine name Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh, IHVH, the Tetragrammaton; but with the insertion of the letter Shin, the name transforms into the Pentagrammaton, which represents the operation of Spirit in the midst of the four Elements that are redeemed and transmuted into Things Divine.


    Now trace in the East, above the Altar, the Invoking Pentagrams of Spirit, with the Sigil of Spirit in their center, vibrating the Holy Names AHIH and AGLA, give the Sign of the Rending Asunder of the Veil after tracing each Pentagram in the East and vibrating the Holy Name attributed thereto, strike the Bell 3-5-3, and proclaim:

    In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, and by the magickal lineage of Frater A\A\, the Founder of the Order, I now proclaim that I have invoked the Great Element of Spirit and that I have properly initiated myself into the grade of the Dominus Liminis of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn!


    Go to the Center of the Temple, knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

    Take up the Cup of Purification, hold it up toward the East, and say:

    So therefore first the initiate who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the Lustral Waters of the resounding Sea.

    Make a Cross in the Air with the Cup, and sprinkle a few drops of Water three times toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the purification in each quarter, then return to the East, and say:

    I purify the Temple with Water.

    Take up the Censer of Consecration, hold it up toward the East, and say:

    And when all the phantoms have vanished, thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe.

    Make a Cross in the Air with the Censer, and swing it thrice toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the censing at each quarter, then return to the East, and say:

    I consecrate the Temple with Fire.

    Go to the Center of the Temple and perform the Qabalistic Cross, vibrating the appropriate Qabalistic Names. Then advance to the four quarters of the Temple, tracing with the Wand the appropriate Banishing Spirit Pentagram and proper Banishing Elemental Pentagram in each quarter. At each quarter recite the following Elemental Prayer.

    In the Name of
    (Earth) Adonai     (Air) Yehovah
    (Water) Al             (Fire) Elohim
    Spirits of [Element] adore your Creator!

    Trace again the Banishing Elemental Pentagram.

    In the Name of
    (Earth) Auriel        (Air) Raphael
    (Water) Gabriel     (Fire) Michael
    Great Archangel of [Element], Spirits of [Element], adore your Creator!

    Make the proper Kerubic Sign in the center of the Pentagram.

    In the Name of
    (Earth) Phorlakh     (Air) Chassan
    (Water) Talihad       (Fire) Aral
    Mighty Angel of [Element], Spirits of [Element], adore your Creator!

    Hold wand on high, touching the Spirit point of Pentagram.

    In the Name of
    (Earth) Kerub          (Air) Ariel
    (Water) Tharsis        (Fire) Seraph
    Ruler of [Element], Spirits of [Element], adore your Creator!

    After each Elemental Prayer, extinguish the flame of the appropriate Elemental Candle in each quarter of the Temple as a symbol of the banishing of that Element in the Temple.

    Return to the Center of the Temple, and say:

    Depart ye now in peace unto your abodes and habitations, O ye elemental powers of Nature. Be there peace between us always; and be ye ready to come unto me whenever I may deem it necessary to call upon ye to assist me in the Great Work.

    May the blessings of the Most High be upon you!

    Give the Sign of the Cross, and say:

    Before me the Great Powers of Air;
    Behind me the Great Powers of Water;
    On my right hand the Great Powers of Fire;
    On my left hand the Great Powers of Earth;
    For about me flames the Pentagram,
    And in the Column shines the Six-rayed Star.

    Perform the Qabalistic Cross, and say:

    By the power of the Angels of the Elements, I declare that I have banished the Elemental Powers, and that there is peace between us, and that the Most High blesses them.

    I will now adore and invoke the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe of the Elements!

    Facing East, make the Saluting Sign of Horus, and say:

    Unity uttermost showed!
        I adore the might of Thy breath,
    Supreme and Terrible God,
        Who makest the gods and death
    To tremble before Thee: --
        I, I adore thee!

    Appear on the Throne of Ra!
        Open the ways of the Khu!
    Lighten the ways of the Ka!
        The ways of the Khabs run through
    To stir me or still me!
        Aum! let it fill me!

    Return in the Sign of Silence.

    Extinguish the flame of the White Candle in the Center of the Temple, and give the Sign of the Closing of the Veil.

    Now say:

    In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I declare that the Temple of the Dominus Liminis is duly closed.

    May what I have partaken maintain me in my search for the QUINTESSENCE, the Stone of the Philosophers, the SUMMUM BONUM, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.

    Knock 3-5-3, and say:

    Love is the Law, Love under Will.


    Make the Sign of Horus toward the East of the Temple, and depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence, yea, depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence.

Dominus Liminis Self Initiation Ritual: Text
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