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(New Order of the Golden Dawn)

First Order
Man of Earth Grade
(The Outer College)


0° Neophyte (Probationer): No real correspondence with a Chakra, Planet, Metal or Sephira on the Tree of Life. It is purely a probationary grade. It is the stage of gestation.

I° Zelator (Magician): Refers to Malkuth, the Tenth Sephira on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yoga Chakra is Muladhara, the Lotus of Four Petals. Its corresponding Planet is Saturn, and its Alchemical Metal is Lead. It is the stage of Birth.

[Note: In the Zelator grade there is concentrated the Mysteries of the Four Elements, so that the fully initiated Zelator is also called a Theoricus, Practicus, and Philosophus. In the Zelator grade you complete the preliminary course of elemental initiation as represented by the four Sephiroth called Malkuth, Yesod, Hod and Netzach, which are the Elemental Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.]

Dominus Liminis (Advanced Magician): No real correspondence with a Chakra, Planet or Metal. It is the stage of Puberty.

Second Order
Lovers Grade
(The Inner College)


II°  Adeptus Minor    (Adept Magician):  Refers  to   Tiphareth,  the   Sixth  Sephira  on   the  Tree  of   Life.    Its corresponding Yoga Chakra is Anahata,   the Lotus of  twelve petals.  Its corresponding Planet is Mercury -- or alternatively Sol -- and its Alchemical Metal is Mercury or Gold. It is the stage of Life.


III° Adeptus Major (Master Magician): Refers to Geburah, the Fifth Sephira on the Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yoga Chakra is Svadhistthana, the Lotus of six petals. Its corresponding Planet is Mars, and its Alchemical Metal is Iron. It is the stage of Death.


IV° Adeptus Exemptus (Perfect Magician): Refers to Chesed, the Fourth Sephira on the Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yoga Chakra is Manipura, the Lotus of ten petals. Its corresponding Planet is Jupiter, and its Alchemical Metal is Tin. It is the stage of Life after Death.

Third Order
Hermit Grade
(The Secret College)


V° Magister Templi (Most Excellent Master): Refers to Binah, the Third Sephira on the Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yoga Chakra is Vishuddhi, the Lotus of sixteen petals. Its corresponding Planet is Venus, and its Alchemical Metal is Copper or Brass.


VI° Magus (Most Exalted Magician): Refers to Chokmah, the Second Sephira on the Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yoga Chakra is Ajna, the Lotus of two petals. Its corresponding Planet is Luna, and its Alchemical Metal is Silver.


VII° Ipsissimus (Most Illuminated One): Refers to Kether, the First and Highest Sephira on the Tree of Life. Its corresponding Yoga Chakra is Sahasrara, the Lotus of a thousand and one petals. Its corresponding Planet is Sol -- or alternatively Mercury -- and its Alchemical Metal is Gold or Mercury.

The Grades of the T.G.D.: Text

Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn | Priory of Nuit

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