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Being the Ceremony of
the First Degree of the
Novus Ordo Aurora Aurea
(New Order of the Golden Dawn)
For the Candidate: Black Tau Robe. Red Shoes or Socks. (Note: Black pertains to the Outer Order, referring to the darkness of Matter, which conceals the Light. Red pertains to Mars and to the God Horus. Mars is the Planet of the Warrior and Horus is the Warrior God. Thus wearing Red shoes or socks indicates that you are on the Path of the Warrior Magician.)
For the Temple: Altar. Black and White Pillars. Thelemic Golden Dawn Banners. Stele of Revealing. Cup of Lustral Water for Purification. Censer of Incense for Consecration. Rose in the East. Red Candle in the South. Cup of Water in the West. Bottle of Abra-Melin Oil in the North. The Magick Sword. The Wand of Double Power. (Note: The Outer Wand of Double Power is twenty inches in length, one part being painted ten inches in black and the other part ten inches in white.
For the Altar: Copy of Liber Legis (The Book of the Law). The Bell. Gold Cross and White Triangle. (Note: The Gold Cross is of equal arms. The White Triangle is equilateral. These should be positioned in the Center of the Altar, the Cross surmounted by the upright Triangle.)
(Important Note #1: If you do not have any of the Temple requirements listed above, you may substitute them with other similar objects. These objects, however, should be magically consecrated before you apply them in the ceremony. In other words, the objects should be dedicated to the ceremony through Prayer and with Fire [Abra-Melin Oil], making them fit instruments of your Will.)
(Important Note #2: It is best to commence the ceremony of the Zelator at Dawn, during the hour of the Rising Sun, for the ceremony of the Zelator constitutes the symbolic birth of the Sun of Morning. It is the Rite of the Birth of the Magician in the Novus Ordo Aurora Aurea.)
Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or Liber XXV, the Ritual of the Star Ruby.
Go to the Center of the Temple, knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Take up the Cup of Purification, hold it up toward the East, and say:
So therefore first the initiate who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the Lustral Waters of the resounding Sea.
Make a Cross in the Air with the Cup, and sprinkle a few drops of Water three times toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the purification in each quarter, then return to the East, and say:
I purify the Temple with Water.
Take up the Censer of Consecration, hold it up toward the East, and say:
And when all the phantoms have vanished, thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe.
Make a Cross in the Air with the Censer, and swing it thrice toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the censing at each quarter, then return to the East, and say:
I consecrate the Temple with Fire.
Return to the Center of the Temple, and say: I will now invoke the Invisible Powers of the Four Elements, to activate their energies in this Temple that I may initiate myself into the Mysteries of the Four Elements of Light, Life, Love and Liberty.
Perform the Qabalistic Cross, advance to the East of the Temple, trace an invoking Air Pentagram of Yellow in the East, and then say the Prayer of the Sylphs:
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Air,
Who has created the Firmament.
Almighty and everlasting, ever-living be Thy Name,
ever-magnified in the Life of all.
We praise and we bless Thee in the changeless empire
of created Light;
And we aspire without cessation unto Thine Imperishable
and Immutable Brilliance. Aumn.
Go to the South of the Temple, trace an invoking Fire Pentagram of Red in the South, and then say the Prayer of the Salamanders:
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Fire,
Wherein Thou hast shown forth the Throne of Thy Glory.
Leader of Armies is Thy Holy Name.
O, Thou Flashing Fire, Thou illuminest all things
with Thine insupportable Refulgence
Whence flow the ceaseless streams of Splendour
which nourisheth Thine Infinite Spirit.
Help us, Thy children, whom Thou hast loved
since the birth of the Ages of Time. Aumn.
Go to the West of the Temple, trace an invoking Water Pentagram of Blue in the West, and then say the Prayer of the Undines:
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Mighty Waters
Whereon Thy Spirit moved in the Beginning.
Glory be unto Thee RUACH ELOHIM
Whose Spirit hovered over the Great Waters of Creation.
O Depth, O inscrutable Depth, which exhalest unto
the height:
Lead Thou us into the True Life, through Liberty,
through Love,
So that one day we may be found worthy to know Thee,
to unite with Thy Spirit in Silence. Aumn.
Go to the North of the Temple, trace an invoking Earth Pentagram of Green in the North, and then say the Prayer of the Gnomes:
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Earth,
Which Thou hast made for Thy footstool.
Unto Thee be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory.
The Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley.
O Thou Who hidest beneath the Earth,
in the Valley of Gems.
The marvelous seed of the Stars.
Live, reign, and be Thou the eternal Dispenser of
Thy treasures,
Whereof Thou hast made us the wardens. Aumn.
Return to the Center of the Temple, face East, and say:
I invoke ye, ye strong Angels of the Elements whose dwelling is in the Invisible. Ye are the Guardians of the Gates of the Universe. Be ye also the Guardians of this Holy Temple and keep far removed from me the unbalanced forces of Nature.
Give the Sign of the Cross, and say:
Before me the Great Powers of Air;
Behind me the Great Powers of Water;
On my right hand the Great Powers of Fire;
On my left hand the Great Powers of Earth;
For about me flames the Pentagram,
And in the Column shines the Six-rayed Star.
Perform the Qabalistic Cross, and say:
By the power of the Angels of the Elements, I declare that I have duly invoked the Four Elements to awaken their energies into activity for my initiation into the Grade of the Zelator!
I will now adore and invoke the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe of the Elements!
O Thou, Lord of the Elements of Life, Who art the Creator of all things, the Master of all manifestation, and the Spirit hidden in all matter: Thee, Thee, I adore and I invoke! Come Thou forth unto me in this Holy Temple that is purified and consecrated unto Thee, that Thou mayest administer unto me the Magical Powers of the Four Elements that be, and the wisdom to exercise those powers unto the attainment of Light, Life, Love and Liberty! O Thou Essential Self who art the Quintessence of all, the Spirit of the Aethyr, and the Secret Lord of every Soul, Thee, Thee, I adore and I invoke! Hear Thou my Call, and be Thou my Witness, in all things my Silent Watcher. Thou, Crown of the Four Elements; Thou, who art like unto the great letter Shin which descendeth in the midst of the Four Elements to affect the Supreme Transmutation; Thou, whose symbol is the Triangle, and Thy Four Elements the Cross; Thou, whose image is the Ageless Sphinx; Thou, whose Victory is the Crown of Spirit; be Thou mighty within me to properly initiate myself in this Thelemic Ceremony of the Zelator, so that I may attain Knowledge, Courage, Will and Silence, to do my True Will among the legions of the living, and to Go upon my Way with Light, Life, Love and Liberty! Let Thy Spirit descend upon my body, transforming my senses into fit vehicles for the manifestation of my True Will, so that I may progress in Thy Light and awaken in the Knowledge and Conversation of Thee! Thou, Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe; Thou, Supreme and Terrible God who makest the Gods and Death to tremble before Thee: Thee, Thee, I adore and I invoke! I greet Thy Presence; I raise Thy Spell; I invoke Thy Spirit, O Lord of the Word and of the Silence.
Now say:
In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I declare that the Temple of the Zelator is duly opened.
Knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Make the Signs of the Neophyte, and depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence.
(The Three Ordeals)
Being naked, that is, without robe or shoes, knock once on the Temple door, and say:
Having made progress as a Neophyte of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, I am now eligible for advancement to the Grade of the Zelator, to be reborn as a child, and to become a Warrior-Initiate and Magician of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, that I may advance in freedom to do my own True Will and accomplish the Great Work of THELEMA.
Enter the Temple, giving the Sign of Horus, position yourself at the foot of the Altar, and say:
I am duly instructed in the Law of Liberty and I know the Signs and Word of the Neophyte.
Proclaim the Law of Thelema, and give the Signs and the Word of the Neophyte, then say:
Such is the first ordeal of my initiation. I will now need to pass the second.
Ask yourself this question: Do I know my True Will?
Sincerely answer this question, then say:
In the Ceremony of my initiation as a Neophyte, I solemnly vowed to discover my own True Will. The Oath of the Zelator obligates me to do my True Will. But before I can do this I must know what that One Will is, which is my Great Work to be accomplished on earth.
Only a fool would obligate himself to the mighty task of doing his True Will without first knowing the nature of that One Will!
Therefore I ask myself again: Do I know my True Will?
If you say yes, then read paragraphs number 1 and 2 below. If you say no, then read only paragraph number 2.
We are human, and as such we are indeed full of ignorance. We often believe one thing when reality is another. Therefore do the initiates often freely allow for a man to rise above his own level of awareness, so that he may in turn realize his own ignorance. If I am not aware of my True Will then I understand that by obligating myself to this Grade of the Zelator I am preparing myself for a great ordeal of initiation, whereby I will awake and arise from my sleep of ignorance and thereby truly attain to the knowledge and power of my True Will.
My Will is One. I must formulate that One Will into One Word. This single Word must be a constant reminder to me of my Great Work to be done.
Now formulate in your mind a single Word which defines your current knowledge of your True Will. Many words may come to your mind, all of which should be analyzed in the light of reason. Doubt each word with all your mental might, until you finally reach a point of strong conviction within yourself. This part of the ceremony should require much time to complete. The initiate may wish to assume a meditation posture, composing him/herself into meditation, yet actively contemplating the task at hand, till the Word of his/her True Will is intuitively acknowledged from within.
Once you are certain of the Word of your True Will, give the Sign of Horus, and say:
The Word of my True Will is [Word].
Return in the Sign of Silence, and say:
Now I will need to pass the third ordeal, that I may be initiated as a Zelator of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence, remain in the Sign and assume the astral God-form of Hoor-Pa-Kraat, then return again to the Center of the Temple, and say:
I am innocent and without shame. I seek the Light of the Thelemic Golden Dawn, as a babe seeks nourishment from the breast of its Mother, so that I may progress in freedom to do my True Will.
I am therefore willing to take an Oath of Obligation to do my True Will, to actively participate in the establishment of the Law of Thelema by pursuing my own path in life unto the ultimate attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel.
At this time I may withdraw myself from this Ceremony of Initiation. But if I remain and persist, I will in fact create an invisible link with the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, which I will never be able to break.
At this point in the ceremony, seriously consider if it is, in fact, your Will to progress. If so, continue. If not, banish and depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence.
I understand that by taking this Oath of the Zelator I am taking my first real step upon the Ladder of Initiation as represented by the Magickal and Mystical System of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn; I am thus taking an irrevocable step.
I now take upon myself this Work of Love, to become a true practitioner of the Great Work of the Golden Dawn, and to assist in the establishment of the Law of Thelema on earth.
I now place my right hand on The Book of the Law to signify my Will to exercise the Law of Thelema, that I may take the Oath of the Zelator in freedom.
I, ......................................................, in the Presence of the Holy Powers of the Elements, and in this Temple of the Zelator of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, do, of my own free will, hereby and hereon, most solemnly promise and swear to do my True Will, to assert my True Self in action by applying the Law of Thelema to my individual progress and freedom, and I will thereby assist in the magical development of a New Race of free men and women who are governed by the Law of Thelema, to accomplish the Great Work of the New Aeon of Horus.
I solemnly promise and swear that I will henceforth understand that all action is a sacrament, and I will therefore make my every act an expression of my True Will, to see that One Will made manifest in all things, so that I may thereby attain the wisdom of my True Self by way of action.
I solemnly promise and swear to exercise the Four Powers of the Sphinx, which are to Know, to Dare, to Will, and to Keep Silent. Thus shall I acquire magical control over the Four Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, and thereby establish my magical dominion in the Secret Center of the Holy Cross of the Elements for the attainment of Light, Life, Love and Liberty.
I solemnly promise and swear to persevere with courage and determination this Magical Ceremony and Grade of the Zelator, that I may duly be initiated as a Warrior-Magician of Thelema.
I solemnly promise and swear upon the Book of the Law to freely observe all these things without evasion, equivocation, or mental reservation.
May the Secret Chiefs of the Order crown this Work, lend me of their Wisdom in this Work, and enable me to Understand this Work of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn.
I will now seal this solemn Oath of Obligation three times with my lips on The Book of the Law.
Kiss the Book of the Law three times and then put the Book of the Law back on the Altar, and say:
I will now purify myself with Water and consecrate myself with Fire in confirmation of my Oath.
Perform purification and say: In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I purify myself with Water.
Perform consecration and say: In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I consecrate myself with Fire.
Now take hold of the Sword (or wand of double power), close your eyes, and safely strike upon your Muladhara or Root Chakra to awaken the Seed of Saturn and invoke to life the SECRET FIRE or Kundalini.
Now open your eyes, seeing in the East an image of the Rising Sun, and say:
The Grade of the Zelator is but a preparation for more Exalted Grades, a threshold before our Sacred Discipline; and it shows by its imagery the Light of the Hidden Knowledge dawning in the Darkness of Creation. I am now to begin to analyze and comprehend the true nature of that Light. I shall therefore prepare to enter the Immeasurable Region!
Read aloud:
There are four gates to one palace. These four gates are the Four Glories of the Law of Thelema, that is, Light, Life, Love and Liberty. The four keys to the gates are the Four Powers of the Sphinx: to Know, to Dare, to Will and to Keep Silent. These four powers exercise dominion over the Four Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. I will now be initiated into the Mysteries of the Four Elements to partake of their Powers and to attain the Four Glories of the Law of Thelema.
I will now take my journey through Nature, to become initiated as a Zelator of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn, and to partake of the Mysteries of the Four Elements for the attainment of the Four Glories of the Law of Thelema.
But first I must purify and consecrate myself.
Perform purification and say: In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I purify myself with Water.
Perform consecration and say: In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I consecrate myself with Fire.
I am now duly prepared for my initiation into the Grade of the Zelator.
I shall now go forth on a magical journey through Nature that I may be initiated into the Mysteries of the Four Elements of Nature.
Go to the East of the Temple. Pick up the Rose, and say:
Air is the Element of Liberty. Its physical sense is smell.
Raise the Rose to your nose and smell.
To master Air and attain Liberty I must exercise Knowledge.
Trace the Sigil of Aquarius in the East.
Move clockwise to the South, ignite and pick up the Red Candle, and say:
Fire is the Element of Light. Its physical sense is sight.
Raise the ignited Candle to your eyes and look at the flame.
To master Fire and attain Light I must exercise Courage.
Trace the Sigil of Leo in the South.
Move clockwise to the West, pick up the Cup of Water, and say:
Water is the Element of Love. Its physical sense is taste.
Raise the Cup of Water to your mouth and drink.
To master Water and attain Love I must exercise Silence.
Trace the Sigil of Scorpio in the West.
Move clockwise to the North, pick up the Bottle of Abra-Melin Oil, and say:
Earth is the Element of Life. Its physical sense is touch.
Make a cross on your breast with the Holy Oil.
To master Earth and attain Life I must exercise my Will.
Trace the Sigil of Taurus in the North.
Complete the circle by returning to the East.
Return to the Center of the Temple, and position yourself at the foot of the Altar.
Take hold of the Wand in your right hand and the Bell in your left hand, strike the bell 3-5-3 with your Wand, and say:
I strike the Bell and the Spirit of the Crowned One descends upon me to inform the Four Elements to arouse and awaken me to Go upon my Way to do my True Will and to fulfill my own Great Work.
Trace the Sigil of the Sphinx, and say:
In the Name of the Novus Ordo Aurora Aurea, and by the magickal lineage of Frater A.A\. the Founder of the Order, I invoke upon myself the Magical Powers of the Sphinx and I declare myself an initiated Zelator of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn!
Depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence. Robe yourself, put on your Red Shoes (or Socks), and then enter the Temple again, returning to the Center.
I shall now instruct myself in the Secrets of the Grade of the Zelator of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn.
The Signs of the Zelator are given thus:
Give the Elemental Signs for Earth, Air, Water and Fire, respectively.
Sign of Earth: Advance the right foot, stretch out the right hand upwards and forwards, the left hand downwards and backwards, the palms open.
Sign of Air: Stretch both arms upwards and outwards, the elbows bent at right angles, the hands bent back, the palms upwards as if supporting a weight.
Sign of Water: Raise the arms till the elbows are on a level with the shoulders, bring the hands across the chest, touching the thumbs and tips of fingers so as to form a triangle apex downwards.
Sign of Fire: Raise the arms above the head and join the hands so that the tips of the fingers and of the thumbs meet, formulating a triangle apex upwards.
As you give each Sign, say:
This is the Sign of [Element].
Now say:
The Word of the Zelator is Het-Heru. It is the Name of the Egyptian Goddess of Nature and it means the "House of Horus."
The name of our Order in the Latin tongue is Novus Ordo Aurora Aurea, which means the New Order of the Golden Dawn.
The Novus Ordo Aurora Aurea is dedicated to the grand task of establishing the Law of Thelema on earth, to help develop a New Race of free men and women who are consecrated to the Law of Thelema and to establish a New Civilization governed by that One Law of the New Aeon of Horus. My principal work is to uphold this obligation by fulfilling the Law itself, that is, by doing my own True Will.
Look at the symbol of the Cross and Triangle on the Altar, and say:
The Gold Cross and White Triangle that I see on the Altar is a grand symbol of the Great Work of the Novus Ordo Aurora Aurea. The Cross itself represents the Four Grades of Zelator, Adeptus Minor, Adeptus Major and Adeptus Exemptus. The White Triangle represents the three Higher Grades above the Abyss, called Magister Templi, Magus, and Ipsissimus. In Alchemical terminology the Cross represents the Four Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth; the Triangle represents the Three Principles of Sulphur, Salt and Mercury. The Cross further represents the four elemental Chakras of Yoga called Muladhara, Svadhistthana, Manipura, and Anahata; the Triangle represents the three higher Chakras called Vishudhi, Ajna and Sahasrara.
This symbol represents the Magnum Opus of Alchemy. Such is also the Alchemical symbol for Sulphur which denotes the SECRET FIRE of Alchemy. This SECRET FIRE, which is the First Matter of the Great Work, is the Kundalini or Serpent Power of Yoga. This SECRET FIRE is male and female, solar and lunar, fiery and watery in nature. Ergo, it is also called the SECRET WATER and is symbolized by the Great Sea. As it is written: "Chemists use fire for burning; we use water."
The special number of this symbol is Seven, referring to the seven principal Forces of Nature which are represented by the seven traditional Planets of Astrology, the seven Chakras of Yoga, and the seven sacred Metals of Alchemy.
In this Ceremony of the Zelator, by way of this holy symbol of the Cross and Triangle, I am presented with a Key of Wisdom by which to understand the true nature of the Great Work of the Novus Ordo Aurora Aurea. I will diligently study this symbol and all that it represents, and so shall I advance in the Knowledge of the Mysteries of the Universe, and so shall I duly prepare myself as a Zelator to ascend the Great Ladder of Initiation.
The word Zelator is from the ancient Egyptian Zaruator, signifying "Searcher for Hathoor." Hathoor is otherwise called Het-Heru, that is, the House of Horus. This House of Horus is Nature Herself, the Temple of the Elements, of which I am a zealous student.
Zelator is further the title of the Assistant of an Alchemist who must keep the fire burning in the Athanor or Alchemical Furnace. The Alchemist of the Operation is my Inner Self, the Athanor is my human body, and the Fire is the Sacred Flame of my True Will. As a Zelator I must keep this Fire burning in my body and brain, by constant dedication of myself to the Great Work of doing my True Will, so that I may fulfill the Law of Thelema.
In the Zelator Grade of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn there is concentrated the Mysteries of the Four Elements, so that the truly initiated Zelator of the New Order of the Golden Dawn is further entitled a Theoricus, Practicus, and Philosophus. In this Grade of the Zelator I will complete the preliminary course of elemental initiation as represented by the four Qabalistic Sephiroth of Malkuth, Yesod, Hod and Netzach, which are the Elemental Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. I will diligently study all Qabalistic Mysteries connected with these four Sephiroth on the Tree of Life to attain an adequate comprehension regarding the Four Elements of Light, Life, Love and Liberty, and so shall I advance in my Knowledge of Nature.
The Elements of Nature are Four. These are Fire, Water, Air and Earth and they correspond with the Four Quarters of the Universe: Fire is in the South, Water is in the West, Air is in the East, and Earth is in the North. These four Elements are related to the Four Fixed Signs of the Zodiac. Fire is Leo, Water is Scorpio, Air is Aquarius, and Earth is Taurus. These fixed Signs are the Angels of the Elements, the four holy Kerubim of the Qabalah. They hold the keys to Light, Life, Love and Liberty. These keys are to Know, to Dare, to Will, and to Keep Silent, which are the Four Powers of the Sphinx, which I am obligated to exercise every moment of my Zelator Grade, so that I may Go upon my Way to accomplish the Great Work.
To Know, to Dare, to Will, and to Keep Silent are the magical means to control the Four Elements, to direct them according to the dynamic course of my True Will unto the ultimate attainment of the realization of my True Self. These Four Powers are the true Mysteries of the Grade of the Zelator. The fruit of their performance is the Supreme Power to Go. To Go is the function of a God; it is the act of doing one's True Will.
To exercise the Four Powers of the Sphinx is to invoke the highest in myself and to act as a Lord on earth. In the Book of the Law it is said, "the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk" and "the highest are of us." It is further said, "success is your proof." As a Zelator I am obligated to aspire to be the lord that I am, which is the highest in me, by way of doing my own True Will; and the only proof of my power is the measure of my success, which is the fruit of my dedication.
In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, and by the magickal lineage of Frater A.A., the Founder of the Order, I now proclaim that I have properly initiated myself into the Grade of the Zelator of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn!
Go to the Center of the Temple, knock 3-5-3 on the Altar, and say:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Go to the East of the Temple.
Take up the Cup of Purification, hold it up toward the East, and say:
So therefore first the initiate who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the Lustral Waters of the resounding Sea.
Make a Cross in the Air with the Cup, and sprinkle a few drops of Water three times toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the purification in each quarter, then return to the East, and say:
I purify the Temple with Water.
Take up the Censer of Consecration, hold it up toward the East, and say:
And when all the phantoms have vanished, thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe.
Make a Cross in the Air with the Censer, and swing it thrice toward the East. Pass to the South, West and North, repeating the censing at each quarter, then return to the East, and say:
I consecrate the Temple with Fire.
Return to the Center of the Temple, perform the Qabalistic Cross, advance to the East of the Temple, trace a banishing Air Pentagram in the East, and then say the Prayer of the Sylphs:
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Air,
Who has created the Firmament.
Almighty and everlasting, ever-living be Thy Name,
ever-magnified in the Life of all.
We praise and we bless Thee in the changeless empire
of created Light;
And we aspire without cessation unto Thine Imperishable
and Immutable Brilliance. Aumn.
Go to the South of the Temple, trace a banishing Fire Pentagram in the South, and then say the Prayer of the Salamanders:
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Fire,
Wherein Thou hast shown forth the Throne of Thy Glory.
Leader of Armies is Thy Holy Name.
O, Thou Flashing Fire, Thou illuminest all things
with Thine insupportable Refulgence
Whence flow the ceaseless streams of Splendour
which nourisheth Thine Infinite Spirit.
Help us, Thy children, whom Thou hast loved
since the birth of the Ages of Time. Aumn.
Go to the West of the Temple, trace a banishing Water Pentagram in the West, and then say the Prayer of the Undines:
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Mighty Waters
Whereon Thy Spirit moved in the Beginning.
Glory be unto Thee RUACH ELOHIM
Whose Spirit hovered over the Great Waters of Creation.
O Depth, O inscrutable Depth, which exhalest unto
the height:
Lead Thou us into the True Life, through Liberty,
through Love,
So that one day we may be found worthy to know Thee,
to unite with Thy Spirit in Silence. Aumn.
Go to the North of the Temple, trace a banishing Earth Pentagram in the North, and then say the Prayer of the Gnomes:
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Earth,
Which Thou hast made for Thy footstool.
Unto Thee be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory.
The Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley.
O Thou Who hidest beneath the Earth,
in the Valley of Gems.
The marvelous seed of the Stars.
Live, reign, and be Thou the eternal Dispenser of
Thy treasures,
Whereof Thou hast made us the wardens. Aumn.
Return to the Center of the Temple, and say:
Depart ye now in peace unto your abodes and habitations, O ye elemental powers of Nature. And be there peace between us always; and be ye ready to come unto me whenever I may deem it necessary to call upon ye to assist me in the Great Work.
May the blessings of the Most High be upon you!
Give the Sign of the Cross, and say:
Before me the Great Powers of Air;
Behind me the Great Powers of Water;
On my right hand the Great Powers of Fire;
On my left hand the Great Powers of Earth;
For about me flames the Pentagram,
And in the Column shines the Six-rayed Star.
Perform the Qabalistic Cross, and say:
By the power of the Angels of the Elements, I declare that I have banished the Elemental Powers, and that there is peace between us, and that the Most High blesses them.
I will now adore and invoke the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe of the Elements!
Facing East, make the Saluting Sign of Horus, and say:
Unity uttermost showed!
I adore the might of Thy breath,
Supreme and Terrible God,
Who makest the gods and death
To tremble before Thee: --
I, I adore thee!
Appear on the Throne of Ra!
Open the ways of the Khu!
Lighten the ways of the Ka!
The ways of the Khabs run through
To stir me or still me!
Aum! let it fill me!
Return in the Sign of Silence.
Now say:
In the Name of the Crowned and Conquering Lord of the Universe, I declare that the Temple of the Zelator is duly closed.
May what I have partaken maintain me in my search for the QUINTESSENCE, the Stone of the Philosophers, the SUMMUM BONUM, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.
Knock 3-5-3, and say:
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Make the Sign of Horus toward the East of the Temple, and depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence, yea, depart from the Temple in the Sign of Silence.
Zelator Self Initiation Ritual copy: Text
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